

Authors Deng, Y.; Frezel, A.; Mehner, F.; Friedel, P.; Gaitzsch, J.
Title Amine-bearing cyclic ketene acetals for pH-responsive and degradable polyesters through radical ring-opening polymerisation
Date 06.09.2023
Number 0
Abstract A series of previously unreported amine-bearing cyclic ketene acetals (CKAs) furnished with different alkyl-substituents were prepared. These CKAs pave the way for a new range of pH-responsive and degradable polyesters from radical ring-opening polymerisation (RROP). CKA 2-methylene-1,3,6-trioxocane (MTC) was copolymerised with the amine-bearing CKAs to obtain a range of new degradable smart copolymers. Varying the type and amount of amine-bearing CKA allowed to fine-tune the pKa* value of the polymers, showcasing the versatility of this approach.
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Citation Polymer Chemistry 14 (2023) 4275-4281

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