

Authors Elschner, C. ; Korn, P. ; Scheler, U.
Title Strong magnets to investigate novel dental implants
Date 08.04.2016
Number 50101
Abstract Replacing lost natural teeth with dental implants is not a recent technological advancement. The implant history dates back thousands of years and includes the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Mayans, Celtic and Etruscans civilizations. A variety of attempts and materials were used to replace lost teeth, e.g. teeth-like pieces of shell, ivory, wood, natural bone, metals and even stone were wedged into the gum or creatively carved artificial teeth of these materials were stabilized by gold wires to create a fixed bridge. The selection of material was based on its availability and the ingenuity of the person making and applying the implant. Considering, that the knowledge about suitable implantable materials and although the purity of applied metals had been rare and furthermore important basic concepts relating to infection and the biological reaction to materials were not yet established, the success of a prosthesis must have been a lucky coincidence.
Publisher Atlas of Science : another view on science
Citation Atlas of Science : another view on science (2016)

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