

Authors Henneberg, O. ; Geue, Th. ; Pietsch, U. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Chi, L. F. ; Rochon, P. ; Natansohn, A. L.
Title Atomic force microscopy inspection of the early state of formation of polymer surface relief gratings
Date 08.10.2001
Number 401
Abstract The process of surface relief grating formation was inspected by atomic force microscopy after short-pulse exposure with counter-rotating circularly polarized laser light of 488 nm on a polymer film containing an azobenzene side-chain homopolymer (pDR1M, TG = 129 °C). During light inscription, the grating formation was probed by time-resolved visible scattering with red laser light. The efficiency of grating formation depends on the pulse length of blue light exposure. The shortest pulse length of 2 s did not create a permanent surface relief. After 5 s, a speckled surface modification starts rising and the surface relief becomes more and more uniform with a sinusoidal shape for longer exposure. The experimental findings reveal the individual addressing of azobenzene side groups by the actinic light providing a local lateral force via molecular trans-cis and cis-trans isomerization which subsequently causes grating formation. ©2001 American Institute of Physics.
Publisher Applied Physics Letters
Citation Applied Physics Letters 79 (2001) 2357-2359

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