

Authors Nedelcu, S. ; Sommer, J.-U.
Title Simulations of the polyelectrolyte dynamics in an externally applied electric field in confined geometry
Date 31.12.2010
Number 26123
Abstract We consider the dynamics of charged polymers in free solution in a slit geometry under the influence of an electrical field, applied at an angle to the plane parallel walls of the confinement. The simulations are carried out using the Brownian dynamics method with explicit counterions and implicit hydrodynamics. The hydrodynamic interactions between all the particles and the plane parallel walls are taken into account using a diffusion matrix which depends on slit geometry and the actual polyelectrolyte-solute conformations. We observe a selective transport of the charged polymers, as a function of the degree of polymerization and slit height. © 2010 American Institute of Physics
Publisher Journal of Chemical Physics
Citation Journal of Chemical Physics 133 (2010) 244902 (8 pages)

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