

Authors Kublickas, R. ; Werner, C. ; Jarienè, G. ; Voit, B. ; Lasas, L.
Title Polyacrylamide gels containing ionized functional groups for the molecular imprinting of human growth hormone
Date 02.03.2007
Number 14394
Abstract Networks of polyacrylamide having methacrylic acid and 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate incorporated were studied for the possibility of imprinting human growth hormone. Two templates – the monomeric and the dimeric molecular forms of human growth hormone hormone – were for the first time imprinted using a hydrogel containing charged functional groups. The results show that approximately 90% (w/w) of the templates could be extracted from the molecularly imprinted acrylamide polymers. The molecularly imprinted polymer adsorbed approximately 70 times (for the monomeric form of the hormone) and 60 times (for the dimeric form) more of the template than of the non-imprinted polymer. The selectivity of the molecularly imprinted polymers was also studied.
Publisher Polymer Bulletin
Citation Polymer Bulletin 58 (2007) 611-617
Tags polymer particles epitope approach recognition lysozyme proteins peptides sites

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