

Authors Pötschke, P. ; Bhattacharyya, A.R. ; Abdel-Goad, M. ; Janke, A. ; Goering, H.
Title Melt Mixed Blends of Carbon Nanotube Filled Polycarbonate with Polyethylene
Advances in Polycarbonates, D.J. Brunelle, M. Korn, ed.
Date 20.04.2005
Number 12924
Abstract Advances in Polycarbonates includes such topics as theory and modelling, synthesis of new polycarbonates, characterization, development of enhanced properties in polycarbonates (such as conductivity, weatherability, higher heat or better low temperature ductility), recycling, and process chemistry. A variety of international researchers from industry, government, and academia have provided a diverse array of recent research. BPA-Polycarbonate is a versatile engineering material with a combination of many important properties: optical-quality transparency and birefringence, high refractive index, high glass transition temperature, exceptional impact strength and good processability. Fifty years after its discovery, academic and industrial polycarbonate research continues to grow annually. Polycarbonates are used in a very large variety of applications, ranging from optical recording media (CD, DVD, etc.), sporting equipment, unbreakable glazing materials, lighting, medical equipment, and automotive exteriors and interiors. <br /><br />Blends of polycarbonate (PC) and polyethylene (PE) were prepared by melt mixing using nanotubes as conductive fillers. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) are first introduced into polycarbonate using a masterbatch dilution technology. This blending strategy is intended to produce conductive blends containing less MWNT than required for the pure PC by using the concept of double percolation through the formation of co-continuous morphologies.<br />In melt mixed blends with PE, fully co-continuous morphologies could be obtained in the composition range between 25 to 90 vol% of the filled PC phase. The co-continuous structures are very fine with ligaments in the range of 1 µm and show only marginal differences in phase size with blend composition. Significantly increased conductivity values of the blends could be achieved in the same composition range in that PC forms a continuous phase, i.e. starting at compositions of 25 vol% filled PC. Here, the total MWNT content in the blend is only 0.34 vol%.<br /><br />Chapter 13<br />ISBN 0-8412-3887-1
Publisher American Chemical Society
Citation American Chemical Society (2005) 164-177

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