

Authors Hoffmann, F. ; Wolff, T. ; Minko, S. ; Stamm, M.
Title Photochemical Structuring of Binary Polymer Brush Layers via Photodimerization
Date 01.09.2004
Number 12535
Abstract Tethered polymer layers were shown to be effective for the colloidal stabilization, size exclusion chromatography, control of adhesion, lubrication, liquid-crystal displays, biomaterials, etc. Chemical grafting of polymers ensures the stable polymer-solid interaction via covalent bonds that is very important for the most applications. Via tuning the parameters which control the brush properties (grafting density, chain length, chemical composition of the chains) one can approach a variety of nanoscale structures and thin film properties. A highly interesting class of brushes are the mixed polymer brushes consisting of two incompatible polymers tethered to the substrate. Anchoring prevents the macroscopic segregation of polymers. The theoretical analysis of nanoscale phase segregation in binary brushes results in a complicated phase diagram and plenty of thin film morphologies. Depending on the solvent quality, layered and rippled phases (or their mixture) were observed experimentally. A transition between different morphologies upon external stimuli (solvent, temperature, etc.) results in switching of the surface properties of the film, e.g., switching from hydrophilic to hydrophobic[10] or from smooth to rough.
Publisher Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
Citation Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 90 (2004) 374-375
Tags graft copolymers molecular structure chain branching smart materials nanostructure morphology

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