

Authors Tokarev, I. ; Sidorenko, A. ; Minko, S. ; Stamm, M.
Title Switching Nanotemplates
Date 01.09.2004
Number 12534
Abstract We report a simple method for the fabrication of nanoporous block copolymer templates. The well-ordered templates are based on thin films of supramolecular assemble of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-P4VP) and 2-(4'-hydroxybenzeneazo)benzoic acid (HABA). The PS-P4VP+HABA assemble exhibits hexagonal cylindrical morphology with cylinders composed of the P4VP blocks and HABA. We have found that orientation of the domains with respect to a substrate can be switched upon exposure to vapors of different solvents from the parallel to in-plane alignment. Extraction of HABA with selective solvent results in formation of either grooves or cylindrical channels in PS matrix. The walls of the channels are covered with P4VP brush. Finally, we use the nanoporous templates for the fabrication of the ordered arrays of nanowires.<br /><br />Functional Polymer Thin Films for Switching, Sensing, and Adaptive Applications<br />The 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1, 2004
Publisher Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
Citation Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 90 (2004) 292-293

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