

Authors Phung, L.H. ; Kleinert, H. ; Jansen, I. ; Häßler, R. ; Jähne, E.
Title Improvement in Strength of the Aluminium/Epoxy Bonding Joint by Modification of the Interphase
Date 14.05.2004
Number 12338
Abstract This contribution describes the influence of different surface pre-treatments including self-assembly of phosphoric acid mono alkyl ester as adhesion promoter (AP) for adhesive bonding of aluminium alloy AlMg3. The investigations were performed using a cold hardening two components epoxy-adhesive. The pre-treated surfaces, the interphase structures and the joints were characterized by: SEM/EDX, surface tension, XPS, DMA and the determination of mechanical parameters. The results interestingly show that the test sample with three step pre-treatment (degreasing in acetone, then anodic oxidation in phosphoric acid and adsorption of AP) has the highest adhesive strength and durability.
Publisher Macromolecular Symposia
Citation Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 349-358

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