

Authors Ionov, L. ; Stamm, M. ; Minko, S. ; Hoffmann, F. ; Wolff, T.
Title Switching and Structuring of Binary Reactive Polymer Brush Layers
Date 14.05.2004
Number 12336
Abstract Switchable binary polymer brushes grafted to Si-wafers were prepared from hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymer components. When exposed to solvents, either the hydrophobic or the hydrophilic component extends in to the liquid phase, depending on the polarity of the solvent. The hydrophilic component was poly-2-vinylpyridine; the hydrophobic component was made photocrosslinkable in that a polystyrene copolymer containing a photodimerizing chromophore was used. In this system surfaces differing in water contact angle between 60° and 100° can be produced by variation of the solvent. The chromophore was phenylindene, which forms crosslinks upon direct UV-irradiation. Therefore, the polystyrene component can be fixed in the extended or collapsed state. It will be shown that by irradiation through an appropriate mask, surfaces can be structured and the structures fixed.
Publisher Macromolecular Symposia
Citation Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 229-235
Tags networks photochemistry stimuli-sensitive polymers surfaces thin films surfaces chains films

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