

Authors Mäder, E. ; Gao, S.-L. ; Plonka, R.
Title Enhancing the Properties of Composites by Controlling Their Interphase Parameters
Date 09.08.2004
Number 12133
Abstract In addition to the raw-material properties, fiber length, and construction criteria, the interfacial interaction between reinforcement and polymer is of crucial importance for the performance of composites. In recent years, special attention has been focused on the exploration and comprehensive description of the relationship between the surface properties of the polymer and fiber, adhesion, and of the resulting mechanical properties. For the exploration of stress-transfer mechanisms, an investigation of the local mechanical behavior in the three-dimensional interphase (in the range of nanometers to a few micrometers) is essential. In this work we report on new opportunities to use scanning force microscopy to determine local mechanical profiles of the interphase. Selected properties in the nanometer region are discussed and compared with the mechanical performance of composites.
Publisher Advanced Engineering Materials
Citation Advanced Engineering Materials 6 (2004) 147-150

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