

Authors Reihs, T. ; Müller, M. ; Lunkwitz, K.
Title Preparation and adsorption of refined polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles
Date 16.02.2004
Number 12093
Abstract We report on bulk and surface properties of centrifuged nonstoichiometric polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) dispersions. PECs were prepared by mixing poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC) and sodium poly(maleic acid-co-&#x3b1;-methylstyrene) (PMA-MS) at the monomolar mixing ratio of 0.6 and polymer concentration <img src="" alt="gt-or-equal, slanted" border=0>1&#xa0;mmol/l. Centrifugation of initial PEC dispersions revealed three phases: supernatant (SUP), coacervate (COAC), and an insoluble precipitate. Mass, turbidity, particle hydrodynamic radii (<i>R</i><sub><i>h</i></sub>), and the titratable charge amount were determined for those phases. The turbid COAC phase consisted of 200-nm nanoparticles and carried 60% of the polymer mass and 20% of the titratable charge amount of the initial PEC dispersion. The SUP phase showed no turbidity and no such nanoparticles, but carried 80% of the initial titratable charge amount, presumably caused by excess polycations. Furthermore, linear dependences of turbidity and <i>R</i><sub><i>h</i></sub> on COAC concentration was observed. COAC adsorption was studied at polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) modified silicon surfaces in dependence on both adsorption time and concentration using attenuated total-reflection&#x2013;Fourier transform infrared (ATR&#x2013;FTIR) spectroscopy. The adsorption data were fitted by the simple Langmuir model. Comparison of COAC particles an<br />d polystyrene latices revealed similar adsorption features. SEM and AFM measurements resulted in hemispherically shaped adsorbed COAC particles with coverages <img src="" alt="gt-or-equal, slanted" border=0>25%, whose calculated volumes correlated well with those in dispersion obtained by PCS.
Publisher Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Citation Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271 (2004) 69-79

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