

Authors Rühe, J. ; Ballauff, M. ; Biesalski, M. ; Dziezok, P. ; Gröhn, F. ; Johannsmann, D. ; Houbenov, N. ; Hugenberg, N. ; Konradi, R. ; Minko, S. ; Motornov, M. ; Netz, R. ; Schmidt, M. ; Seidel, Ch. ; Stamm, M. ; Stephan, T. ; Usov, D. ; Zhang, H.
Title Polyelectrolyte Brushes
Date 02.02.2004
Number 11127
Abstract Polyelectrolyte brushes constitute a new class of material which has recently received considerable interest. The strong segment-segment repulsions and the electrostatic interactions present in such systems bring about completely new physical properties of such monolayers compared to those consisting of either non-stretched or non-charged polymer chains. in this review some recent progress on the theory, synthesis, and swelling behavior of polyelectrolyte brush systems in different environments is discussed. The height of the polyelectrolyte brushes is studied as a function of the molecular weight and graft density on both planar and spherical surfaces. In addition it is elucidated how the brushes are affected by external conditions such as the ionic strength of the surrounding medium, the presence of multivalent or polymeric ions and in some cases by the pH of the contacting solution. Two more specific cases, the synthesis and characterization of mixed polyelectrolyte brushes and cylindrical polyelectrolyte brushes, in which charged polymer chains are attached to the backbone of other polymers, are described in more detail. <br /><br />The two volumes 165 and 166 Polyelectrolytes with Defined Molecular Architecture summarize recent progress in the field. The subjects comprise novel polyelectrolyte architectures including planar, cylindrical and spherical polyelectrolyte brushes as well as micelle, complex and membrane formation. Some solution properties such as conformation of flexible polyions, osmotic coefficients and electrophoretic properties are addressed along with recent progress in analytical theory and simulation. <br /><br />ISBN 3-540-00528-5
Publisher Springer
Wikidata Q61807136
Citation Springer (2004) 79-150
Tags - self-consistent-field transfer radical polymerization dynamic light-scattering salt-free solution monte-carlo poly(diblock macromonomer)s charged polyelectrolytes counterion distribution assembled monolayers cylindrical brushes

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