

Authors Voit, B. ; Braun, F. ; Loppacher, Ch. ; Trogisch, S. ; Eng, L. ; Seidel, R. ; Gorbunoff, A. ; Pompe, W. ; Mertig, M.
Title Photolabile Ultrathin Polymer Films for Spatially Defined Attachment of Nano Elements
Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics, Qinghuang Lin, R.A. Pearson, J.C. Hedrick, ed.
Date 29.04.2004
Number 11069
Abstract Photolabile terpolymers have been designed and used to prepare thin organic films covalently attached to glass and silicon substrates. For this, terpolymers containing the photolabile and charged diazosulfonate units, and on the other hand photolabile protected amino functions, as well as anchoring groups have been synthesized via free radical polymerization. Thin films from these terpolymers were structured imagewise by laser light irradiation in order to create defined functional areas at the template surface ready for further modification and attachment of nanostructures. The selective decomposition and deprotection, respectively, was verified by UV-imaging and selective modification reactions using gold colloids and fluorescence labeling. <br /><br />Discusses patterning, insulating, and packaging polymeric materials for the $150-billion microelectronics industry as well as the rapidly emerging nanoelectronics and organic electronics industries. Chapters discuss patterning, insulating, and packaging polymeric materials as well as organic materials for nanoelectronics, organic electronics, and optoelectronics. This book covers the synthesis, characterization, structure-property relationship, performance, and applications of these materials. <br /><br />ISBN 0-8412-3857-X
Publisher American Chemical Society
Citation American Chemical Society 874 (2004) 118-128
Tags light derivatives complexes surfaces arrays

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