

Authors Wang, M. ; Braun, H.-G. ; Meyer, E.
Title Branched Crystalline Patterns Formed Around Poly(ethylene oxide) Dots in Humidity
Date 03.12.2002
Number 11042
Abstract Branched patterns reminiscent of diffusion-limited aggregation form around poly(ethylene oxide) dots on Au surfaces in humidity by crystallization of polymer chains in water-assisted diffusion, involving fractal-like structure and dense branching-like morphology (DBM). Higher humidity leads to a slower growth of crystal lamellae. Crystal growth promotes outward diffusion. Fractal-like lamellae are viewed flat-on. Due to the reduction of chain availability in the diffusion field, the fractal-like structure turns into DBM.
Publisher Macromolecular Rapid Communications
Citation Macromolecular Rapid Communications 23 (2002) 853-858
Tags MBC_Structure_Formation

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