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  • Zhu, M. ; Xing, Q. ; He, H. ; Zhang, Y. ; Chen, Y. ; Pötschke, P. ; Adler, H. J. Preparation of PA6/Nano Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Composites and Their Spinnability more Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 251-261
  • Müller, M. ; Keßler, B. ; Adler, H. J. ; Lunkwitz, K. Reversible Switching of Protein Uptake and Release at Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Detected by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy more Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 157-164
  • Opitz, J. ; Braun, F. ; Seidel, R. ; Pompe, W. ; Voit, B. ; Mertig, M. Site-specific binding and stretching of DNA molecules at UV-light patterned aminoterpolymer films more Nanotechnology 15 (2004) 717-723
  • Taeger, A. ; Vogel, C. ; Lehmann, D. ; Lenk, W. ; Schlenstedt, K. ; Meier-Haack, J. Sulfonated Multiblock Copoly(ether sulfone)s as Membrane Materials for Fuel Cell Applications more Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 175-184
  • Mikhailova, Y. ; Pigorsch, E. ; Grundke, K. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Voit, B. Surface properties and swelling behaviour of hyperbranched polyester films in aqueous media more Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 271-280
  • Ionov, L. ; Stamm, M. ; Minko, S. ; Hoffmann, F. ; Wolff, T. Switching and Structuring of Binary Reactive Polymer Brush Layers more Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 229-235
  • Messerschmidt, M. ; Häußler, L. ; Voit, B. ; Krause, T. ; Habicher, W.D. Synthesis of Boc Protected Block Copolymers Based on para-Hydroxystyrene via NMRP more Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 111-120
  • Sadhu, V.B. ; Pionteck, J. ; Voigt, D. ; Komber, H. ; Voit, B. Synthesis of Halogen-Free Amino-Functionalized Polymethyl Methacrylate by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) more Macromolecular Symposia 210 (2004) 147-155
  • Mende, M. ; Buchhammer, H.-M. ; Schwarz, S. ; Petzold, G. ; Jaeger, W. The Stability of Polyelectrolyte Complex Systems of Poly(diallydimethyl-ammonium chloride) with Different Polyanions more Macromolecular Symposia 211 (2004) 121-133
  • Synytska, A. ; Ionov, L. ; Minko, S. ; Motornov, M. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Stamm, M. ; Grundke, K. Tuning Wettability by Controlled Roughness and Surface Modification Using Core-Shell Particles more Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 90 (2004) 624-625
  • R. Descas, J.-U. Sommer and A. Blumen Static and Dynamic Properties of Tethered Chains at Adsorbing Surfaces: A Monte Carlo Study more Journal of Chemical Physics 120 (2004) 8831-8840
  • Müller-Buschbaum, P. ; Hermsdorf, N. ; Gutmann, J.S. ; Stamm, M. ; Cunis, S. ; Gehrke, R. ; Petry, W. Dewetting of Confined Diblock Copolymer Films more Journal of Macromolecular Science / Part B - Physics 43 (2004) 29-41
  • Kondyurin, A.V. ; Maitz, M.F. ; Romanova, V.A. ; Begishev, V.P. ; Kondyurina, I. ; Guenzel, R. Drug release from polyurethaneurea coating modified by plasma immersion ion implantation more J. Biomaterials Science - Polymer Edition 15 (2004) 145-159
  • Voit, B. ; Braun, F. ; Loppacher, Ch. ; Trogisch, S. ; Eng, L. ; Seidel, R. ; Gorbunoff, A. ; Pompe, W. ; Mertig, M. Photolabile Ultrathin Polymer Films for Spatially Defined Attachment of Nano Elements more American Chemical Society 874 (2004) 118-128
  • Thünemann, A.F. ; Müller, M. ; Dautzenberg, H. ; Joanny, J.F. ; Löwen, H. Polyelectrolyte Complexes more Advances in Polymer Science 166 (2004) 113-171
  • Sabbatovskii, K.G. ; Dutschk, V. ; Nitschke, M. ; Simon, ; Grundke, K. Properties of the Teflon AF1601S Surface Treated with the Low-Pressure Argon Plasma more Colloid Journal 66 (2004) 208-215
  • Lukaszczyk, J. ; Lekawska, E. ; Lunkwitz, K. ; Petzold, G. Sorbents for Removal Surfactants from Aqueous Solutions: Surface Modification of Natural Solids to Enhance Sorption Ability more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 92 (2004) 1510-1515
  • Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Sahre, K. ; Günther, M. ; Suchaneck, G. ; Gerlach, G. Swelling of a thin B+ implanted polyimide layer - a dynamic spectroscopic ellipsometry study more Thin Solid Films 455-456 (2004) 292-294
  • Scheler, U. Polymer Physics / by Michael Rubinstein and Ralph H. Colby. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003. - ISBN 0-19-852059-X . - Book review more ChemPhysChem 5 (2004) S.421-424
  • Braun, D. ; Cherdron, H. ; Rehahn, M. ; Ritter, H. ; Voit, B. Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice: Fundamentals, Methods, Experiments more Springer (2004) XVIII, 385 : graph. Darst.
  • Appelhans, D. ; Gedan-Smolka, M. ; Lehmann, D. Powder Coatings - Get to (very) hydrophobic surfaces more European Coatings Journal (2004) 24-31
  • Renner, L. ; Jörgensen, B. ; Markowski, M. ; Salchert, K. ; Werner, C. ; Pompe, T. Control of fibronectin displacement on polymer substrates to influence endothelial cell behaviour more Journal of Materials Science : Materials in Medicine 15 (2004) 385-388
  • Henneberg, O; Panzner, T; Pietsch, U; Geue, T; Saphiannikova, M. ; Rochon, P; Finkelstein, K; X-ray and VIS light scattering from light-induced polymer gratings more Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 219 (2004) 218-223
  • Oswald, J. Vom Mesenchym zum Endothel : Differenzierung von mesenchymalen Stammzellen in endotheliale Zellen more Bioforum Zellbiologie (2004)