- Influence of Blend Composition on Phase Separation and Dewetting of Thin Polymer Blend Films more Macromolecules 33 (2000) 4886-4895
- Scattering in Polymeric and Colloidal Systems<br />Polymer Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films Studied by X-ray and Neutron Reflectometry more Gordon and Breach Science Publishers (2000) 495-534
- The influence of shear forces on clay modification with oppositely charged polyelectrolytes more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 279 (2000) 10-18
- Functional materials<br />Competing Reactions during Block Copolymer Synthesis by Melt Transesterification more Wiley-VCH (2000) 342-346
- Functional materials<br />Composite Membranes for Pervaporation Separation Processes Based on Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Assemblies more Wiley-VCH (2000) 347-352
- Functional materials<br />LCP-Polysulfone Multiblock Copolymers: Combination of High Performance Polymers more Wiley-VCH (2000) 292-297
- Hyperbranched Polyesters and Poly(ether amide)s - Synthesis, Modification, Melt Rheology and Application in Blends more Functional Materials, Euromat 99 (2000) 303-308
- Functional materials<br />Build-up of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Assemblies: A Useful Tool for Controlled Modification of Microfiltration and Pervaporation Membranes more Wiley-VCH (2000) 316-322
- Adsorption of block polyampholyte micelles monolayers at the silicon/water interface more Colloid and Polymer Science 278 (2000) 502-508
- Buchkritik - Makromoleküle. Chemische Struktur und Synthesen. Bd. 1. Von Hans-Georg Elias. more Angewandte Chemie 112 (2000) 1573-1574
- Influence of thermal treatment on the pervaporation separation properties of polyamide-6 membranes more Separation and Purification Technology 19 (2000) 199-207
- Surface tension studies of leveling additives in powder coatings more Progress in Organic Coatings 38 (2000) 59-66
- Thermal deblocking of masked low molecular isocyanates, I. Aliphatic isocyanates more Thermochimica Acta 351 (2000) 95-105
- Computer simulation of dilute polymer solutions in transient elongational flows more Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 9 (2000) 270-280
- Dewetting of thin polymer-blend films examined with GISAS more Physica / B 283 (2000) 53-59
- Surface modification of textile tire cords by plasma polymerization for improvement of rubber adhesion more Rubber Chemistry and Technology 73 (2000) 121-137
- Surface characterizations of conductive poly(methyl methacrylate)/polypyrrole composites more Journal of Materials Science 35 (2000) 1743-1749
- Molecular dynamics in confining geometries more Journal de Physique 10 (2000) 59-65
- Comparison of the behaviour of polymers in supercritical fluids and organic solvents via small-angle neutron scattering more Journal of Applied Crystallography 33 (2000) 682-685
- Modification of fluoropolymers by means of electron beam irradiation more Radiation Physics and Chemistry 57 (2000) 373-376
- Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie zur Charakterisierung der Zugänglichkeit und Reaktivität funktioneller Gruppen an Polymeroberflächen gegenüber großen Molekülen more Projektträger Neue Materialien und Chemische Technologien - NMT Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH im Auftrag des BMBF (2000)
- Microscopy of Thin Polymer Blend Films of Polystyrene and Poly-n-butyl-methacrylate more American Institute of Physics (2000) 245-249
- Surface structure analysis of thin dewetted polymer blend films more Macromolecular Symposia (2000) 283-288
- Polymer Blends<br />6th European Symposium on Polymer Blends, Mainz, May 16-19, 1999 more Wiley-VCH 149 (2000)
- The Influence of Segmented Block Copolymers in Immiscible Polymer Blends more Macromolecular Symposia 149 (2000) 219-224