- Nanoparticles based on polyelectrolyte complexes: effect of structure and net charge on the sorption capability for solved organic molecules more Colloid and Polymer Science 278 (2000) 841-847
- Aggregates Formed by Amphoteric Diblock Copolymers in Water more Macromolecules 33 (2000) 6378-6387
- Impact Strength and Dynamic Mechanical Properties Correlation in Elastomer-Modified Polypropylene more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 78 (2000) 962-971
- Adsorption Kinetics of a Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Diblock Polyelectrolyte at the Solid-Aqueous Solution Interface: A Slow Birth and Fast Growth Process more Macromolecules 33 (2000) 6051-6059
- Application of impedance spectroscopy to the study of organic multilayer devices more Colloids and Surfaces / A 171 (2000) 159-166
- Blends of hyperbranched poly(ether amide)s and polyamide-6 more Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 280/281 (2000) 33-40
- Characterization and Design of Interphases in Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene more Polymer Composites 21 (2000) 361-368
- Characterization of the interfacial bond strength between glass fibre and epoxy resin using the pull-out and push-out techniques more Advanced Composites Letters 9 (2000) 2203-2209
- Crystallization Kinetics of Maleic Anhydride-Modified iPP Studied by POM more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 77 (2000) 3107-3118
- Diazosulfonate Polymer Complexes: Structure and Wettability more Macromolecules 33 (2000) 5665-5671
- Equations of state for POPX lipids at the air/water interface. A comprehensive study more Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 105 (2000) 1-8
- Glastemperaturbestimmung in Klebfugen more kleben & dichten - Adhäsion 44 (2000)
- Influence of composition on the interdiffusion of poly(vinyl acetate) latex particles more Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science 115 (2000) 128-133
- Interface Controlled Materials<br />New Nano-Scale Characterization Techniques for Interphases more Wiley-VCH (2000) 237-242
- Kinetics of non-ideal Hyperbranched Polymerizations, 1. Simulation of the Structural Units and the Diads more Macromolecules 33 (2000) 6284-6294
- New Developments in Hyperbranched Polymers more Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 38 (2000) 2505-2525
- Three-Phase Contact Line Energetics from Nanoscale Liquid Surface Topographies more Physical Review Letters 85 (2000) 1930-1933
- Deformation Behavior of Weakly Segregated Block Copolymers. 2. Correlation between Phase Behavior and Deformation Mechanisms of Diblock Copolymers more Macromolecules 33 (2000) 5495-5504
- Einfluss des Packaging auf die Sensoreigenschaften von Hochdruck- und Hochtemperatursensoren für Extruder more w.e.b. Universitätsverlag (2000) 117-126
- Evaluation of the polymer-nonpolymer adhesion in particle-filled polymers with the acoustic emission method more Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 14 (2000) 999-1019
- How levelling additives affect the film formation of powder coatings more Modern Paint & Coatings 90 (2000) 16-20
- Morphologies of Diblock Copolymer Thin Films before and after Crystallization more European Physical Journal 2 (2000) 319-334
- Characterisation of radiation behaviour of polyethylene/polymethacrylates interpenetrating polymer networks more Polymer 41 (2000) 7915-7923
- Influence of Different Alkyl Side Chains on Solid Surface Tension of Polymethacrylates more Journal of Applied Polymer Science 77 (2000) 2493-2504
- Melt Spinning of Hollow Fibres more IAFL Publications (2000)