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1968 - 1974 studies of physics
University of Frankfurt am Main
1971 German Academic Exchange Service
stay at Bristol University in England for one year
1974 diploma in solid state physics
- topic: "Mean square vibrational amplitudes and lattice dynamics of Rb-halogenides"
(measurements of neutron diffraction and calculation of lattice dynamics)
1975 - 1979 Ph.D. studies
Institute of Physical Chemistry of the University of Mainz
- supervisor: Prof. Dr. E.W. Fischer
- topic: "Investigation of the conformation of polymer molecules with neutron scattering and magnetic birefringence"
(measurements of neutron scattering at the Institute "Laue-Langevin" and magneto-optical measurements at the CNRS/MPI high-field magnetic laboratory in Grenoble/France) - stay at CNRS/Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Physics in Grenoble for three years
1977 examination in economics
Mainz University
1987 - 1993 habilitation in physical chemistry
University of Mainz
- topic: "Investigation of polymer surfaces and interfaces with nanometer resolution"
(different interfacial techniques with nanometer resolution, neutron reflectometry, ellipsometry and ion beam techniques)
1993 - 1999 lecturer
Mainz University
1979 - 1985 staff scientist
Institute of Solid State Research in Jülich
(small-angle neutron scattering, chain conformation, preparation of polymers, conductive polymers)
1984 - 1985 visiting scientist
Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States
(neutron reflectometry, polymer interface investigations, interdiffusion studies)
1985 - 1999 staff scientist and project leader
Max-Planck Institute of Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany
(interfaces between polymers, structure and conformation, phase transitions, development of scattering techniques)
1999 - 2015 professor of Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Materials (now in retirement)
Technische Universität Dresden
1999 - 2015 head of the IPF Institute of Physical Chemistry and Physics of Polymers
Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden
since 04/2015 professor in retirement and staff scientist
Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden
Awards and Grants
2004 International Belgian Polymer Group Award
2012 Erudice Professorship Award and Nano-Chair Visiting Professor Mahadma Ghandi University, Kerala, India
2013 IUPAC Lecture Montreal
Fields of Work
The main area of activity is directed to the physical chemistry of nanomaterials, polymer materials with some emphasis on polymer interfaces and scattering techniques. At IPF the following main topics are investigated:
- nanostructured materials
- polymer interfaces and thin films
- structure-properties relationships
- surface and interface characterization
In particular the following topics are currently under investigation:
- preparation and characterization of nanostructured materials
- formation of polymer nanostructured thin films by self assembly
- switching of surface properties by grafting of polymer brushes
- nanotemplates by copolymer microphase segregation
- ordered magnetic nano-arrays for data storage
- effect of surface structure on bioactivity and protein adsorption
- correlation between interface width and adhesion
- chain conformations and manipulation of single molecules at surfaces
- single molecule based electronics
- polyelectrolyte adsorption and surface structure
- nanohybrid materials with copolymers
- wetting and dewetting of thin polymer film
- control of movement of motor proteins on surfaces
- formation of nanotubes by rolling technique
- friction and adhesion of functional surfaces
- interaction forces between surfaces
- conducting thin organic films for solar cell applications
- nanocomposites with (multi-)functional / magnetic nanoparticles
- structure - properties relationships of polymer materials
- effect of chain architecture on blend and adsorption behavior
- development of surface analysis and nano fabrication techniques
participation in many national and international projects including
- DFG-NSF Materials World Network " Switchable Polymer Interfaces for Bottom-up Simulation of Mammalian Cells"
- Leibniz Research Cluster "Organic/ Synthetic multifunctional micro-production units: New pathways for the development of active substance"
- recent publications
- complete list of publications