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Fields of Work
Analytical chemistry, experienced specialist in spectroscopy (FTIR, NIR, UV/VIS, Raman and Ultrasonic) and multivariate data analysis (quantitative analysis, statistical process control, real-time process analysis)
Polymer analysis and characterization
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) by spectroscopic methods (FTIR, NIR,RAMAN, UV/VIS) and Ultrasonic measurements (LINK) for polymers in solution and in melt in reactors, mixers and extruders
RAMAN spectroscopy and imaging for polymers, filled systems, biopolymers, carbon nanotubes, graphenes, graphites
- Identification and quantification of microplastic particles in aquatic and environmental samples by
a combination of particle analysis with FTIR and Raman microscopy
- Investigation of paintings, historical wall paintings and historical church windows by different
analytical methods