

Authors Hoyer, M. ; Drechsel, N. ; Meyer, M. ; Meier, C. ; Hinüber, C. ; Breier, A. ; Hahner, J. ; Heinrich, G. ; Rentsch, C. ; Garbe, L.-A. ; Ertel, W. ; Schulze-Tanzil, G. ; Lohan, A.
Title Embroidered polymer-collagen hybrid scaffold variants for ligament tissue engineering
Date 25.08.2014
Number 44022
Abstract Embroidery techniques and patterns used for scaffold production allow the adaption of biomechanical scaffold properties. The integration of collagen into embroidered polylactide-co-caprolactone [P(LA-CL)] and polydioxanone (PDS) scaffolds could stimulate neo-tissue formation by anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) cells. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test embroidered P(LA-CL) and PDS scaffolds as hybrid scaffolds in combination with collagen hydrogel, sponge or foam for ligament tissue engineering.<br />ACL cells were cultured on embroidered P(LA-CL) and PDS scaffolds without or with collagen supplementation. Cell adherence, vitality, morphology and ECM synthesis were analyzed. Irrespective of thread size, ACL cells seeded on P(LA-CL) scaffolds without collagen adhered and spread over the threads, whereas the cells formed clusters on PDS and larger areas remained cell-free. Using the collagen hydrogel, the scaffold colonization was limited by the gel instability. The collagen sponge layers integrated into the scaffolds were hardly penetrated by the cells. Collagen foams increased scaffold colonization in P(LA-CL) but did not facilitate direct cell-thread contacts in the PDS scaffolds. The results suggest embroidered P(LA-CL) scaffolds as a more promising basis for tissue engineering an ACL substitute than PDS due to superior cell attachment. Supplementation with a collagen foam presents a promising functionalization strategy.
Publisher Materials Science and Engineering / C
Citation Materials Science and Engineering / C 43 (2014) 290-299
Tags anterior cruciate ligament ligament tissue engineering polylactide-co-caprolactone polydioxanone embroidered scaffold collagen

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