

Authors Zinck, P. ; Mäder, E. ; Gerard, J.F.
Title Role of Silane Coupling Agent and Polymeric Film Former for Tailoring Glass Fiber Sizings from Tensile Strength Measurements
Date 31.12.2001
Number 8680
Abstract Tensile strengths of differently sized E-glass fibres have been characterised using a bimodal Weibull two parameters cumulative distribution function. By comparing unsized fibres, pure silanes, different film formers, and silane/film former combinations, a comprehensive summary on the healing effect for surface flaws in relation to the type of sizing emulsion has been obtained. The great influence of the film former, which is the main component of the sizing by weight, was shown to affect both the healing of initially occuring flaws in the unsized fibre and the possibility of creating new defects. Besides the single influence of the film former, the synergetic effect of silane and film former polymer has been shown. In fact, the presence of sizing influences both the population of flaws on the fibre surface and the structure of the interphase, which will be created from the impregnation with a polymer matrix. Data from statistics of fracture as a function of the nature of sizings were discussed according to the literature on stress corrosion of E-glass filaments.
Publisher Journal of Materials Science
Citation Journal of Materials Science 36 (2001) 5245-ff.

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