

Authors Wang, L.L. ; Käppler, A. ; Fischer, D. ; Simmchen, J.
Title Photocatalytic TiO2 Micromotors for Removal of Microplastics and Suspended Matter
Date 23.09.2019
Number 56585
Abstract Environmental contamination is a major global challenge and the effects of contamination are found in mosthabitats. In recent times, the pollution by microplastics has come to the global attention and their removaldisplays an extraordinary challenge with no reasonable solutions presented so far. One of the newtechnologies holding many promises for environmental remediation on the microscale are self-propelledmicromotors. They present several properties that are of academic and technical interest, such as the abilityto overcome the diffusion limitation in catalytic processes and their phoretic interaction with their environment.Here, we present two novel strategies for the elimination of microplastics using photocatalytic Au@Ni@TiO2-based micromotors. We show that individual catalytic particles as well as assembled chains show excellentcollection and removal of suspended matter and microplastics from natural water samples.
Publisher ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Citation ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 32937-32944

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