

Authors Akulichev, A. G. ; Tiwari, A. ; Dorogin, L. ; Echtermeyer, A. T. ; Persson, B.N.J.
Title Rubber adhesion below the glass transition temperature: Role of frozen-in elastic deformation
Date 31.01.2018
Number 54523
Abstract We have studied how the adhesion between rubber and a flat countersurface depends on temperature. When the two solids are separated at room temperature negligible adhesion is detected, which is due to the elastic deformation energy stored in the rubber, which is given back during pull-off and help to break the adhesive bonds. When the system is cooled down below the glass transition temperature, the elastic deformation imposed on the system at room temperature is "frozen-in" and the stored-up elastic energy is not given back during separation at the low temperature. This results in a huge increase in the pull-off force. This study is crucial for many applications involving rubber at low temperatures, e.g., rubber seals for cryogenic or space applications.
Publisher EPL (Europhysics Letters)
Citation EPL (Europhysics Letters) 120 (2018) ID36002

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