

Authors Zimmerer, C. ; Häußler, L. ; Arnhold, K. ; Ziegler, L. ; Heinrich, G.
Title Molecular structure of reactive polycarbonate-amine interfaces characterized by IR-spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry
Date 23.01.2019
Number 53623
Abstract Solid-state reactions of Polycarbonate are quite complex and totally different to reactions in solution state. As various reaction pathways with different kinetics may occur, the in-depth characterization of molecular processes is not only of technological importance but also essential for understanding the reactive processing of Polycarbonate. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a molecular sensitive technique to characterize the formation of functional groups as well as their intermolecular and intramolecular interaction. The formation of low amounts of Bisphenol-A as a side product leads to the formation of mixed phases containing both, PC and Bisphenol-A. Bisphenol-A is soluble in Polycarbonate and serves as a plasticizer for the Polycarbonate phase. An intermolecular interaction between both compounds is observed. The maximum reduction of glass transition temperature of about 100 K is determined for Polycarbonate mixed with different amounts of Bisphenol-A.
Publisher AIP Conference Proceedings
Citation AIP Conference Proceedings 2055 (2019) 130001 [5pp.]

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