

Authors Mohan, V. B. ; Liu, D. ; Jayaraman, K. ; Stamm, M. ; Bhattacharyya, D.
Title Improvements in electronic structure and properties of graphene derivatives
Date 01.07.2016
Number 51182
Abstract This article focuses on the reduction of graphene oxides using different reductants an d conditions systematically varying the chemical and physical structure, surface topography and chemistry and film thickness of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) films, <br />with a focus on how these influence the property of most interest: electrical conductivity. The reduction process restores graphene oxide to a graphene-like structure, improving electrical conductivity while creating changes such as increased roughness, film thickness and new surface functionality. Films with smooth surfaces and minimal thicknesses have been shown to possess higher electrical conductivity. There have been minor changes in d-spacing and improvements in crystal perfection and orientation could be concluded from XRD patterns. Through XPS analysis, a significant decrease in the amount of oxygen functional groups at the surface has been noticed as the films get thinned. Copyright © 2016 VBRI Press.
Publisher Advanced Materials Letters
Citation Advanced Materials Letters 7 (2016) 421-429

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