

Authors Fischer, M. ; Ausias, G. ; Kühnert, I.
Title Investigation of interfacial fracture behavior on injection molded parts
Date 14.06.2016
Number 50544
Abstract In this study the interfacial morphology of different polymers joined by various assembly injection molding (AIM) technologies were discussed. Melt streams were injected successively using tools with core-back or rotation techniques. To compare bulk specimen strength and weld line strength, the fracture behavior of different specimen scales and thin sections were investigated. An in-situ SEM tensile test and a new thin section testing device which is used in polarized (transmitted) light microscopy were used to observe specimen failure. The effects of processing on spherulitic structures were linked to bonding strength and mechanical properties. © 2016 AIP Publishing LLC
Publisher AIP Conference Proceedings
Citation AIP Conference Proceedings 1713 (2016) ArticleID: 040011
Tags scanning electron microscopy injection molding mechanical properties polymers testing procedures

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