

Authors Vyalikh, A. ; Simon, P. ; Rosseeva, E. ; Buder, J. ; Kniep, R. ; Scheler, U.
Title Intergrowth and interfacial structure of biomimetic fluorapatite - gelatine nanocomposite : A solid-state NMR study
Date 23.01.2014
Number 40644
Abstract The model system fluorapatite–gelatin allows mimicking the formation conditions on a lower level of complexity compared to natural dental and bone tissues. Here, we report on solid-state NMR investigations to examine the structure of fluorapatite–gelatin nanocomposites on a molecular level with particular focus on organic–inorganic interactions. Using 31P, 19F, and 1H MAS NMR and heteronuclear correlations, we found the nanocomposite to consist of crystalline apatite-like regions (fluorapatite and hydroxyfluorapatite) in close contact with a more dissolved (amorphous) layer containing first motifs of the apatite crystal structure as well as the organic component. A scheme of the intergrowth region in the fluorapatite–gelatin nanocomposite, where mineral domains interact with organic matrix, is presented.
Publisher Journal of Physical Chemistry / B
Citation Journal of Physical Chemistry / B 118 (2014) 724-730
Tags calcium phosphates tricalcium phosphate real-structure denatured collagen f-19 nmr p-31 nmr mas nmr bone morphogenesis hydroxyapatite

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