

Authors Horst, Th. ; Heinrich, G. ; Schneider, M. ; Schulze, A. ; Rennert, M.
Title Linking mesoscopic and macroscopic aspects of crack propagation in elastomers
Fracture Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics of Reinforced Elastomeric Blends, Grellmann, W; Heinrich, G; Kaliske, M; Klüppel, M; Schneider, K; Vilgis, T, ed.
Date 08.07.2013
Number 38926
Abstract The fracture-mechanical characterization of elastomeric materials is based on a global energy balance. Tearing energy was introduced to characterize the energy required for an infinitesimal increase of surface area during crack propagation. The contribution of various energy dissipation mechanisms during such a process of crack propagation is crucial for the understanding and modification of elastomeric materials with respect to an enhanced service life. Energy balance is reviewed from both a theoretical and experimental point of view, leading on the one hand to possibilities and limits of generalized J-integrals for fracture mechanical characterization of elastomeric materials, and on the other hand to alternative procedures of experimental characterization of crack propagation in elastomers. In order to analyze the influence of viscoelastic material behavior on the crack propagation behavior in elastomeric materials, steady state fields were calculated dependent on the crack velocity. The results indicate a change in the size of the fracture process zone where the defect evolution takes place. Such characteristic length scales of the fracture process zone can be estimated from a statistical analysis of fracture surface topography by means of determining characteristic self-affine roughness exponents. A modeling of the material degradation due to the rupture of polymer chain segments within the fracture process zone was proposed, taking into account the overloading of chains both in the fully stretched state and due to fast loading. <br /><br />Fracture Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics of Reinforced Elastomeric Blends<br />ISBN 978-3-642-37909-3
Publisher Springer
Citation Springer 70 (2013) 129-166

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