

Authors Lappan, U. ; Geißler, U. ; Gohs, U.
Title Radiation-induced graft copolymerization of styrene into tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene-vinylidene fluoride (THV) terpolymer films
Date 11.08.2011
Number 26122
Abstract The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of irradiation conditions on grafting of styrene into tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene-vinylidene fluoride (THV) terpolymer films. Stress–strain measurements, infrared spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy have been used to characterize the pre-irradiated polymer films regarding tensile strength, elongation at break, changes in the chemical structure and concentration of trapped radicals, respectively. Main-chain scissions associated with the formation of carbonyl end groups and end-chain double bond structures have been identified to be the reason for a moderate deterioration of the mechanical properties of the pre-irradiated films. The yield of grafting has been found to be influenced by THV grade, irradiation temperature and concentration of cross-linker.
Publisher Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
Citation Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 296 (2011) 843-849

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