

Authors Lappan, U. ; Geißler, U.
Title PTFE micropowder functionalized with carboxylic acid groups
Date 01.07.2008
Number 15853
Abstract PTFE powder irradiated in air at room temperature was studied by infrared spectroscopy, potentiometric titration with sodium hydroxide, and polyelectrolyte titration with poly(diallyl dimethylammonium chloride). Through the radiation-induced degradation COF groups are formed in the material, which can be hydrolyzed to COOH groups. About 10-20% of the COOH groups are located at the surface of the PTFE particle. The COOH groups start to decompose under oxidizing conditions at temperatures above 200 °C. The decarboxylation results in the formation of CFCF2 groups, which are oxidized to COF groups in the presence of air.
Publisher Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
Citation Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 293 (2008) 538-542

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