

Authors Huwe, A. ; Kremer, F. ; Hartmann, L. ; Kratzmüller, Th. ; Braun, H.-G. ; Kärger, J. ; Behrens, P. ; Schwieger, W. ; Ihlein, G. ; Weiss, O. ; Schuth, F.
Title Molecular dynamics in confining geometries
Date 31.05.2000
Number 15099
Abstract The molecular dynamics of confined (low molecular weight and polymeric) systems is determined by the counterbalance between surface- and confinement-effects : Due to the interaction with the (inner) surfaces (e.g. the formation of H-bonds, grafting, physisorption) the molecular dynamics is slowed down, resulting in an increase in the glass transition temperature of the system. In contrast the confinement may induce an increase in "free volume'' thus making the molecular dynamics faster than in the bulk. This causes a decrease in the glass transition temperature. This counterbalance will be exemplified by employing broadband dielectric spectroscopy (10-2Hz - 109Hz) to study the molecular dynamics of the low molecular weight liquid ethylene glycol being contained in zeolites of different topology.
Publisher Journal de Physique
Citation Journal de Physique 10 (2000) 59-65

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