

Authors Zhang, J. ; Drechsler, A. ; Grundke, K. ; Kwok, D. Y.
Title The similarity of electric double-layer interaction from the general Poisson-Boltzmann theory
Date 14.12.2006
Number 14620
Abstract We studied electric double-layer (EDL) interactions in electrolytes with different valence combinations. Our results show that the interactions are similar for electrolytes with the same co-ion valences and concentrations and such similarity increases with the co-ion valence and surface potential. A scaled surface potential was defined and found to be useful in characterizing the difference in EDL interaction. These results show that co-ions play a more important role than counterions in determining EDL potential and interaction in an electrolyte solution, especially for systems with high co-ion valence and/or high surface potentials.
Publisher Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Citation Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 300 (2006) 391-395

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