

Authors Doan, T.T.L. ; Brodowsky, H. ; Mäder, E.
Title Jute fibre / polypropylene composites. II. Thermal, hydrothermal and dynamic mechanical behaviour
Date 05.03.2007
Number 14194
Abstract The thermal, dynamic mechanical and aging behaviour are critical issues for the application of jute/polypropylene composites. Short fibre reinforced injection moulded jute fibre polypropylene composites were investigated in dependence of fibre content, matrix molecular weight, and with or without matrix modifier (maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene). The thermal gravimetric behaviour of jute fibre, polypropylene resin and the composites thereof was determined under nitrogen or air purge gas. Moisture diffusion experiments revealed different coefficients of diffusion according to the Fickian model in dependence of fibre volume content, matrix molecular weight, and matrix modification. The storage modulus of matrix modified composites showed an improved value compared with non-modified polypropylene at the same fibre content, for as prepared and for aged samples.
Publisher Composites Science and Technology
Citation Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2707-2714

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