

Authors Appelhans, D. ; Gedan-Smolka, M. ; Lehmann, D.
Title Powder Coatings - Get to (very) hydrophobic surfaces
Date 15.04.2004
Number 12178
Abstract Dirt-repelling and self-cleaning powder coating surfaces are interesting for many applications (e.g. road signs, architectural use, cars). In order to realize permanent surface properties a choice of fluorinated (Rf-) components were used to synthesize special types of resins and crosslinkers. The investigations were carried out using polyurethane binders based upon a polyester-resin and an uretdione crosslinker. Best results of water advancing contact angles were in the range from 120° to 150°. The deciding explanation for the realization of very hydrophobic surface properties is the defined formation of heterogeneous surfaces in conjunction with only few nm high pillars on the top of the surface.
Publisher European Coatings Journal
Citation European Coatings Journal (2004) 24-31

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