

Authors Bellmann, C. ; Zeidler, D.
Title Polishing and Purification Processes in Semiconductor Wafer Processing
Date 31.12.2002
Number 10796
Abstract In the development of new structuring processes for semiconductor manufacture, special polishing slurries are increasingl needed for planarization. With particle sizes in the nanometer range and a specific surface area of about 100-200 m[2]/g, the interaction forces at the phase boundary of this system have a key influence on the properties of the slurry. Both agglomeration processes in the slurp and adhesion of particles to the wafer surface cause defects ir the electronic component. The use of surfactants and suitable pH adjustment can help stabilize the slurry and prevent adhesion of polishing particles. Analysis of surface properties (by electrokinetic studies, as described here) provides valuable information that can serve as a basis for selecting surface modifi cation steps and process parameters.
Publisher Tenside Surfactants Detergents
Citation Tenside Surfactants Detergents 39 (2002) 206-210

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