

Authors Eigner, M. ; Voit, B. ; Estel, K. ; Bartha, J.W.
Title Labile hyperbranched poly(triazene ester)s - decomposition behavior and their use as porogens in thermally stable matrix polymers
Date 17.06.2002
Number 10625
Abstract Hyperbranched polyesters containing labile triazene units in the main chain have been characterized according to their photochemically and thermally induced decomposition behavior. Irradiation with UV light results in a first order decomposition behavior with half-time of 6 to 48 min depending on the structure of the repeating unit. Thermal decomposition starts at about 160°C, and about 50% mass loss are achieved after 15 min at 250°C. Homogeneous incorporation of these globular, functional polymers in thermostable polymer matrices (polyimides and benzocyclobutane-based polymers) was possible. Smooth films from blends of thermostable matrix and up to 50% hyperbranched polymers could be prepared. The hyperbranched component could be destroyed selectively, and the resulting porous matrix has been studied as insulating material for microelectronic multilayer applications.
Publisher e-Polymers :
Citation e-Polymers : (2002) 18 Seiten
Tags - excimer-laser ablation templating nanoporosity organosilicates macromolecules polyimides polyesters

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