

Authors Beyerlein, D. ; Belge, G. ; Eichhorn, K.-J. ; Grundke, K. ; Gauglitz, G. ; Voit, B.
Title Preparation and Properties of Thin Films of Hyperbranched Polyesters with Different Endgroups
Date 27.11.2001
Number 9407
Abstract Hyperbranched polyesters (HBP) with different end groups were prepared as thin films. They were characterized with regard to their chemical composition, thickness, optical constants and morphology using infrared spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and atomic force microscopy. The surface properties of the films were determined by zeta-potential and contact angles measurements. The differences in the molecular structure and surface energetic and acid-base properties between HBP materials with carboxylic, hydroxy and acetoxy end groups result in differences in their swelling behavior in atmospheric humidity. The swelling behavior at different atmospheric humidity was observed in situ using spectroscopic ellipsometry and reflectometric interference spectroscopy. From the results it can be concluded that HBP films can be used potentially as sensoric materials.
Publisher Macromolecular Symposia
Wikidata Q60674698
Citation Macromolecular Symposia 164 (2001) 117-131
Tags one-step synthesis polymers adsorption surfaces layers functionalization monolayers

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