

Authors Talaie, A. ; Lee, J.Y. ; Lee, Y.K. ; Jang, J. ; Romagnoli, J.A. ; Taguchi, T. ; Mäder, E.
Title Dynamic sensing using intelligent composite: an investigation to development of new pH sensors and electrochromic devices
Date 16.03.2000
Number 9120
Abstract A composite of two conducting polymers, polyaniline and polypyrrole, could result in much improved physical properties with respect to their applications in electrochromic devices. However, the composite has time dependant properties that made the use of dynamic computational algorithms necessary to control its behaviour. We used a platinum modified electrode as an electrochromic display device, which was integrated with a pre-trained computer for data processing and knowledge discovery. Since there is a direct relationship between the colour of the composite and its conductivity, detection of conductivity/colour has been used for prediction of pH, we have found that different parameters within the algorithms can affect the performance of our modelling resulting in a more reliable device.
Publisher Thin Solid Films
Citation Thin Solid Films 363 (2000) 163 - 166

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