

Authors Jariyavidyanont, K. ; Zhang, R. ; Yu, Q. ; Janke, A. ; Thurn-Albrecht, T. ; Schick, C. ; Androsch, R.
Title Formation of imperfect crystals in poly(e-caprolactone) at high melt-supercooling
Date 01.10.2022
Number 60536
Abstract Poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) was crystallized at high melt-supercooling in a fast scanning chip calorimeter, with this instrumentation needed to reach the temperature range of homogenous crystal nucleation by fast cooling the melt. Subsequently, after slow heating the polymer to ambient temperature, the semicrystalline morphology and X-ray structure were evaluated. Nucleation and crystallization at low temperature yields a featureless structure at the micrometer-length scale, indicating non-spherulitic crystal growth. Images of the nanometer-scale structure suggest presence of irregular grown short lamellae or particle-like domains, and the absence of sharp peaks in the X-ray scattering pattern indicates formation of small or defective crystals. In conclusion, due to the high nuclei density, crystallization of PCL near the glass transition leads to formation of imperfect crystals, and slow heating to ambient temperature does not allow their reorganization to yield long-range orthorhombic order, typically observed on crystallization at low melt-supercooling.
Publisher Materials Letters
Citation Materials Letters 324 (2022) 132704

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