

Authors Bittrich, E. ; Eichhorn, K.-J.
Title Application of spectroscopic ellipsometry in the analysis of thin polymer films/polymer interfaces
Polymer Surface Characterization, Sabbatini, L., De Giglio, E., ed.
Date 06.10.2022
Number 60163
Abstract Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), as a noninvasive technique, is well placed for the investigation of organic films and interfaces containing polymers. In an ellipsometric measurement, the change in the polarization state of light upon interaction with a material is detected. Spectroscopic investigations from the ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR) and further to the terahertz (THz) range are possible [1–3], providing a profound set of data for the analysis of polymer film dielectric function and thickness.
Publisher De Gruyter
Citation De Gruyter 2nd edition (2022) 281-322

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