

Authors Domurath, J. ; Saphiannikova, M. ; Heinrich, G.
Title Non-linear viscoelasticity of filled polymer melts: Stress and strain amplification approach
Date 08.05.2014
Number 42422
Abstract The aim of the present study is to develop an analytical stress and strain amplification approach (SSAA) for description of non-linear mechanical response in polymer melts containing spherical hard inclusions in a non-dilute regime. The main presumption of this approach is that non-aggregating filler particles reinforce a polymer matrix purely hydrodynamically. The SSAA is verified by comparison with two other approaches existing in literature, when only stress or strain is amplified, and selected experimental results. <br />Special Issue: Eurofillers 2011
Publisher Macromolecular Symposia
Citation Macromolecular Symposia 338 (2014) 54-61
Tags amplification approaches filled polymer melts rheology strain stress

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