

Authors Friis-Petersen, H.H. ; Pedersen, J.H. ; Häußler, L. ; Storm, B.K.
Title Online measurement of thermal diffusivity during cure of an epoxy composite
Date 31.12.2006
Number 41803
Abstract Thermal diffusivity was measured online during cure of an epoxy composite using a method somewhat similar to the Ångström Method. It is shown that a simple experimental setup can be used, thus avoiding expensive instrumentation. The experimental instrumentation is explained in detail. The measurements show an increase of thermal diffusivity during the cure of composite material. Using modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC), heat capacity was measured online during the cure of an epoxy composite. Combining thermal diffusivity measurements with MDSC measurements, the thermal conductivity was found to change during the cure process, similar to the measurements of heat capacity. These changes are referred to vitrification at the end of the cure process.
Publisher Polymer Testing
Citation Polymer Testing 25 (2006) 1059-1068
Tags cure processes composite material epoxy composite thermal diffusivity modulated differential scanning calorimetry (mdsc) ångström method glass-transition temperature conversion polymers

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