

Authors Wedemeier, A. ; Merlitz, H. ; Wu, C.-X. ; Langowski, J.
Title How proteins squeeze through polymer networks: A Cartesian lattice study
Date 14.08.2009
Number 41789
Abstract In this paper a lattice model for the diffusional transport of particles in the interphase cell nucleus is proposed. The dynamical behavior of single chains on the lattice is investigated and Rouse scaling is verified. Dynamical dense networks are created by a combined version of the bond fluctuation method and a Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm. Semidilute behavior of the dense chain networks is shown. By comparing diffusion of particles in a static and a dynamical chain network, we demonstrate that chain diffusion does not alter the diffusion process of small particles. However, we prove that a dynamical network facilitates the transport of large particles. By weighting the mean square displacement trajectories of particles in the static chain, network data from the dynamical network can be reconstructed. Additionally, it is shown that subdiffusive behavior of particles on short time scales results from trapping processes in the crowded environment of the chain network. In the presented model a protein with 30 nm diameter has an effective diffusion coefficient of 1.24×10-11 m2/s in a chromatin fiber network. © 2009 American Institute of Physics
Publisher Journal of Chemical Physics
Citation Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (2009) 064905
Tags biodiffusion bonds (chemical) cellular transport molecular biophysics monte carlo methods polymers proteins living cell-nuclei fluorescence correlation spectroscopy anomalous diffusion monte-carlo dynamics motion association

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