

Authors Koperwas, K. ; Grzybowski, A. ; Grzybowska, K. ; Wojnarowska, Z. ; Pionteck, J. ; Sokolov, J. ; Paluch, M.
Title Pressure coefficient of the glass transition temperature in the thermodynamic scaling regime
Date 31.12.2012
Number 38551
Abstract We report that the pressure coefficient of the glass transition temperature, dTg/dp, which is commonly used to determine the pressure sensitivity of the glass transition temperature Tg, can be predicted in the thermodynamic scaling regime. We show that the equation derived from the isochronal condition combined with the well-known scaling, TV· = const, predicts successfully values of dTg/dp for a variety of glass-forming systems, including van der Waals liquids, polymers, and ionic liquids. ©2012 American Physical Society
Publisher Physical Review / E
Citation Physical Review / E 86 (2012) 041502
Tags pacs: 62.50.-p 64.70.q-

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