

Authors Pogodin, S. ; Werner, M. ; Sommer, J.-U. ; Baulin, V. A.
Title Nanoparticle-induced permeability of lipid membranes
Date 05.11.2012
Number 33782
Abstract Monte Carlo simulations using the bond fluctuation method with explicit solvent reveal the mechanism of enhanced permeability of lipid bilayers induced by the adsorption of nanoparticles with controlled hydrophobicity. Simulation results indicate an adsorption transition of nanoparticles on the bilayer in a certain range of relative degree of hydrophobicity. In this range the nanoparticles can translocate through the bilayer, reversibly destabilizing the structure of the bilayer and inducing enhanced permeability for water and small solutes. This transition is broader for amphiphilic nanoparticles.
Publisher ACS Nano
Citation ACS Nano 6 (2012) 10555-10561

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