

Authors Morozov, I. ; Lauke, B. ; Heinrich, G.
Title Quantitative structural analysis of filled rubber by AFM
Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, Heinrich, G.;  Kaliske, M.; Lion, A.;  Reese, S., ed.
Date 14.09.2009
Number 20031
Abstract Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Dresden, 7-10 September 2009<br /><br />The mechanical properties of carbon black reinforced rubbers, strongly depend on the uniformity of filler distribution in the material and the size of filler clusters in the finished product, i.e., on the quality of mixing of composite components. In this paper, we present methods for quantitative analysis of the structure of filled rubbers by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Next microstructure characteristics as Morishita's index, cross-section area, volume, compactness and cluster size have been obtained by testing three specimens consisting of different fibers and binders. In one of these specimens, essential non-uniformities in cluster distribution and sizes have been revealed. It is shown that the density of clusters decreases with increasing size. The area and perimeter of clusters as well as their volume and size are governed by fractal mechanisms.<br /><br />ISBN 978-0-415-56327-7
Publisher CRC Press
Citation CRC Press (2009) 473-488

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