

Authors Lehmann, M. ; Jahr, M. ; Grozema, F. C. ; Abellon, R. D. ; Siebbeles, L. D. A. ; Müller, M.
Title Columnar mesophases with 3D order from new functional nonconventional star-shaped mesogens
Date 12.12.2008
Number 17705
Abstract Star-shaped oligobenzoates with naphthalene chromophores assemble in columnar mesophases. In the low-temperature phases, mesogens self-organize helically along the columns, leading to columnar liquid crystal phases with 3D order (see image). The formation of these structures is driven by optimization of space-filling and nanosegregation. Naphthalene chromophores are segregated in the center of the columns and operate as hopping sites for charges.
Publisher Advanced Materials
Citation Advanced Materials 20 (2008) 4414-4418
Tags charge-carrier mobility columnar phases liquid crystals star mesogens plastic electronics discotic liquid-crystals stilbenoid dendrimers transport-properties carrier transport pr-trmc naphthalene assemblies mobility semiconductor conductivity

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