

Authors Gupta, S. ; Agrawal, M. ; Uhlmann, P. ; Stamm, M.
Title Swelling of strong polyelectrolyte brushes with change of counter ions
Date 06.04.2008
Number 15566
Abstract PMSE 343 - The 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6-10, 2008 <br /><br />We report on the swelling behavior of Poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) brushes on planar surfaces with the change in nature and concentration of added inorganic salt in aqueous media. Poly(styrenesulfonate) brushes were prepared by grafting the polystyrene chains on underlying substrate followed by a soft sulfonation reaction. AFM results reveal change in the morphology of PS brushes after the sulfonation reaction. Effect of nature and concentration of various salts LiCl, KCl, CsCl, NH4Cl, AgNO3 on the swelling behavior of the PSS brushes was studied by null ellipsometry and it was found that swelling of strong polyelectrolyte brushes is strongly dependent on nature and concentration of salt in surrounding aqueous media.
Publisher Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
Citation Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 98 (2008) 600-602

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