

Authors Zafeiropoulos, N.E. ; Davies, R.J. ; Schneider, K. ; Burghammer, M. ; Riekel, Ch. ; Stamm, M.
Title The Relationship between Craze Structure and Molecular Weight in Polystyrene as Revealed by mSAXS Experiments
Date 20.10.2006
Number 14207
Abstract The phenomenon of crazing in polymers has received considerable attention in the past as it is thought to play a pivotal role in determining the performance of polymers under load. One aspect of particular interest has been the interconnection between molecular structure, craze characteristics, and macromechanical properties. In the present study, three different grades of polystyrene (PS) with different molecular weights have been systematically investigated in situ with synchrotron radiation microfocus small-angle X-ray scattering (µSAXS). The results suggest that there are different mechanisms operating in PS samples with low and very high molecular weights, compared to those of medium-to-high molecular weight. Previously it was thought that, above the critical molecular weight of entanglement, the effect of molecular weight on PS's mechanical behaviour at room temperature was negligible.
Publisher Macromolecular Rapid Communications
Citation Macromolecular Rapid Communications 27 (2006) 1689-1694
Tags craze polystyrene saxs x-ray-scattering microstructure deformation polymers

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